About Us » History


In 2008 the community of South Los Angeles was notified that the District acquired the land-13.4 acres and intended to build a new high school that woiuld have 75 new classrooms to relieve Santee Education Complex.

The construction began in 2008 and was completed in 2011, when we moved onto the campus. The total cost of the project was $171,157,511.

The campus consist of four small schools or learning communities that includes a, science labs, performing arts classrooms, and administration. Shared facilities will include a library, multi-purpose room, two gymnasiums, food service and lunch shelter, administration support services, playfields, and surface parking.

As previously stated, the campus was built to house four small schools. Two sister schools-the Social Justice Schools: Fine & Performing Arts Academy and Global Issues Academy reached out to the founders and operators of Synergy Academies to work collaboratively.

Through the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Public School Choice 2.0 process the Social Justice Schools: Fine & Performing Arts Academy and Global Issues Academy was awarded three of the small schools to be housed

on the campus, the fourth small school was awarded to Synergy Academies.

The Social Justice Schools: Fine & Performing Arts Academy welcomed close to 550 students and Global Issues Academy welcomed 530 students to the brand new high school.

The three schools located on the campus share after-school sports activities, with any student able to try out for the campus-wide basketball, track, soccer, volleyball and football teams.

In the summer of 2014 the Los Angeles Unified School District made a change to the schools on our campus and decided to combine the sister schools-the Social Justice Schools: Fine

& Performing Arts Academy and Global Issues Academy.

Now the campus houses two schools-Synergy Quantum Academy and Dr. Maya Angelou Community High