Students » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy


Definition: A student is tardy if not completely inside his/her assigned classroom when the bell rings.

Tardy Sweeps: Strategic collection and documentation of students not in class on time.

Tardy sweeps will be conducted and enforced throughout the school year. Teachers will close and lock their doors after the tardy bell rings and students not in class must report to the Room 3171, where they will be issued a tardy pass. Students will not be permitted to enter class without a tardy pass.  

 Philosophy: Timeliness and consistent daily attendance have a direct impact on student achievement. Tardiness is a poor habit that will adversely affect a student’s success in life. It interferes with learning and shows a discourtesy toward teachers, school staff, and other students. The Dr. Maya Angelou Community Senior High tardy policy is designed to promote a safe and productive learning environment by enforcing students to get to class on time, limiting the amount of instructional time lost, and involving students, parents, and staff in solving problems with punctuality.

Teachers record the time students enter classrooms late in the MiSiS system. Students tardy more than 30-minutes without a legitimate excuse are considered truant. Students with chronic absences, tardies, and/or truancies will be referred to the Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor (PSA) and School Attendance Review Team (SART) for targeted intervention, and may be reported to the Los Angeles district attorney’s office and School Attendance Review Board (SARB) as a legal consequence for poor attendance.

Attendance and assigned reflections are monitored daily. Students with chronic absences/tardies, who do not serve assigned reflection will have a parent/guardian conference and will lose school activity privileges. Such privileges include, but are not limited to participation in and/or attendance to athletic events, club membership, school dances, field trips, assemblies, pep rallies, senior service class, Grad night, graduation ceremony participation, or other special events.


“7 Habit” Tips for being prompt and punctual to school and to class:

Be Proactive –Don’t let others make you late. Talk with your families. Catch up with friends at lunch and after school. Don’t make excuses for your actions.

Begin With the End in Mind – Plan out your day and week. Get to bed early and arrive to school early. Plan what to wear and organize your materials and homework the night before.

Put First Things First – Don’t procrastinate on assignments. Use the restroom before school, during passing periods, and at lunch. Retrieve books and materials from lockers before school, and during passing periods. Use school hall pass only if absolutely necessary. Instructional time is priority.

Lunch Reflection
Tuesdays and Thursdays-Room 3171
Saturday School Reflection
9:00 A.M.-12:00 A.M.
Last Saturday of the month-Room 3171


Students report to Room 3171 to serve assigned reflection.