Faculty » Staff Resources

Staff Resources


Use the link to complete required documents for field trips.
LAUSD Field Trip Checklist.pdf
REF-2111 1_final Field_Trips_Handbook 2015.pdf
Request For Field Trip Lunches CMS POS 8.29.18.pdf 

On page 10 of the bulletin, it states school nurse to be notified 4 weeks ahead of time.

On page 54, consent form, I need a copy of this, there are some health concerns that are new and not on file, and only thru this note sometimes the health office gets informed. If this is checked by parents, we have to call them and verify the concern. 


Ensures that parent/guardian provides written medical authorization for all participating students. 

1. Reviews and updates health information on all students attending the field trip 

2. Conducts a health and safety assessment of student needs based on multiple considerations discussed below. 

3. Develops a health care and emergency care plans for all students requiring medication, treatment or monitoring on the trip. 

4. Obtain necessary medications, supplies and equipment needed (for the field trip) from parent/guardian at least three school days prior to departure. 

5. Prepares all necessary medication, equipment and emergency supplies (i.e. emergency medication) for the school staff. 

6. Provides medication administration training to school staff according to the district policy and physician authorization. 

7. Provides training to school staff regarding any health care procedures to be performed and reviews emergency care plan. 

8. Reviews emergency care plan with school staff. 

9. Determines competence of unlicensed school personnel to carry out medication administration and health care procedures, if applicable

NURSING HEALTH RECORD REVIEW The School Nurse conducts a comprehensive review of the health care needs of students. Key areas of consideration include: Health care needs of the students 

What are the health needs?

Do the students require medication?

What types of special health care procedures will need to be performed while on the trip? 

Do any of the students require special health care procedure? 

Do any of the students require health monitoring and, if so, what type of monitoring?

Is a nurse needed to meet the health needs of the students on the trip or can the health needs of the students be met by unlicensed personnel? 

What health care procedures, including medication administration and health status monitoring, can be assigned to the unlicensed personnel?

SPED Reclassification Docs.
BUL 6890.2 Guidelines for IEP Teams on the Reclassification of Secondary Long-Term English Learners with Disabilities (1).pdf
BUL 6890.2 Guidelines for IEP Teams on the Reclassification of Secondary Long-Term English Learners with Disabilities (1).pdf 
Att. B Records Review BUL-6890.2 (1).pdf
Att. A Checklist BUL-6890.2 (1).pdf 
ELD Resources
Fun Fast Furious.pdf 
academic conversation placemat with prompts.pdf 
ConstructiveConversationPlacematDesignatedELD (2).pdf
Designated ELD.pdf 
Integrated ELD.pdf 
MathPlacemat (1).pdf
Wellbeing Centers LAUSD Toolkit 2019-2020.pdf
Contact US:

(213) 770-9891


(562) 502-7437


(661) 388-5592

Technology Issues
Staff IT Request
Multi-Factor                  Authentication Guide
MFA guide in MyPLN.pdf 
MFA Setup Workflow.pdf 
Travel Documents
PA Announcement Request Form.pdf
Lessons & Links
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